


Excuse me, do you know what time it is?









Bây giờ là mấy giờ?


*Bây giờ(ベトナム語)≒ 現在(中国語)≒ 今(日本語)

*mấy giờ(ベトナム語)≒几点(簡体字 中国語)、幾點(繁体字 中国語)≒何時(日本語)












英語:I'm gonna sleep.G'night. 


ベトナム語:Tôi muốn đi ngủ, chúc ngủ ngon.(1:48)





Hapa英会話を視聴 ネイティブの「Tell」の使い方


How can you tell?  どうしてわかるの?

I can tell. 私にはわかります。

I can't tell. 私にはわかりません。 

tell = 理解して分かる。







Hapa英会話を視聴 「~した方がいい。」ニュアンス別の表現 




Should: 一般的な表現(細かいニュアンスは伝わらない。)

Had better:~した方がいい(しないと、好ましくない結果になる。)

Might as well:~した方がよさそうだ。(他に良い選択肢もないので)

It might be a good idea to:~した方がいいかもしれない。(控えめに提案)





来日したての外国人とコミニュケーションをとる Vol.1


(英語)Did you get accustomed to the life in Japan?


ベトナム語)Bạn quen sinh hoạt ở Nhật chưa?




⇒ 高雄のLINE友達に文字起こししてもらいました。


愛ちゃん 「膩了嗎?跟我結婚?」(日本語:飽きちゃった?私との結婚?)







Youtube で英語学習 How to become Japanese - 日本人になる・帰化について by kanadajin3




① I'm going to be talking to you about ~


② Yes. 


③  Don't let yourself get down


④ as a matter of fact




・Myth number one 一番、大きな誤解

・race 人種 ⇔ nationality 国籍

the Japanese Constitution 日本国憲法

emigrate (祖国を離れて)移住する。≒ immigrate (日本に)移住する

・you guys   youの複数形として使用

・lay out 説明する

racist 人種差別主義者

・come in contact with~ ~に出くわす。

・ put fear into ~ ~を恐怖で怯えさせる。


Hey, everyone kanadajin-san here  and today I'm going to be talking to you about how to become Japanese. A lot of people think that you are not allowed to become Japanese that Japan doesn't allow immigrant. This is actually completely false. Japan is like a lot of countries that allow immigrants and in this video I'm going to becoming a lot of information on how to become so. However because this video would be super long if I explained everything as integrating is entirely long process, a lot of the information is going to be in the description below this is where you're going to find a great website which I will talk about a little bit later. 

Myth number one a lot of people for some reason seemed to think that Japan or Japanese is a race. Japanese is not a race it's a nationality in the Japanese Constitution in Japanese law and any other legal term of the definition of Japanese or 日本人 is somebody who has the Japanese citizenship. This includes people who were born with Japanese citizenship and people who have emigrated  to Japan and became Japanese. There is no such race as Japanese some people unfortunately don't know a lot about biology human migrating patterns, human evolution but I guess if you don't know about the information it's not really your fault. I'm just letting you know today that if you think that Japanese is a race well you're completely I'm sorry you're wrong.

Going back to the whole you can't be Japanese if you don't have a vision blood and you this is completely incorrect anyone can immigrate to Japan regardless of your race or regardless of the country that you have come from. Immigrate to Japan the word is 帰化 and this is very important work to know if you ever plan on doing so on average ten to fifteen thousand people every year. Immigrate and become Japanese most of these people are from Korea and China what about 1500 of these people are from other countries. In order to become Japanese you have to get rid of your original citizenship . Japan does not generally hold dual citizenship for those over 20. However if you do come from a country where it's actually illegal to renounce your citizenship. Japan will allow you to keep that citizenship because you cannot get rid of it.

There are two ways to become a Japanese citizen being born Japanese or immigrating in order to be born Japanese one of your parents has to hold Japanese nationality the other way to become Japanese is to live here and immigrated if you're married to a Japanese citizen you have to be married for three years to emigrate or you have to have lived in Japan for five years.

Now this information is also subject to change at any time which is why again checking the description for more information.

Now you may have heard that Japan is like immigrants and allow immigrants well I told you this is incorrect and people have been immigrating to Japan for thousands of years

I'm not just talking about foreigners who came from America or Canada or Mexico or Europe people from these countries have been immigrating to keep and since the fifteen and sixteen hundreds even before people from Western countries have been immigrating to Japan and people from China and Korea have been immigrating to japan since well since the birth of japan. Japan is actually just like Canada and America although its history is much much longer but a long time ago the people who mainly live here now.

Their ancestors did come from somewhere else well just like pretty much all the people in the world because we all come from Africa but you know that's a long time ago anyways when you're talking about people immigrating today we use the word 帰化人but there is another word that speaks about people who emigrated a very very long time ago called 渡来人. These are the people who came from china and Korea and they came up the southwestern side of Japan and they worked their way up the islands This is where they settled and built to Japan and when they did get here they did meet many different types of groups of Native people that were originally in Japan one of the real famous ones is the Ainu people and they were more in north to the Hokkaido so this is just to give you a rough idea that Japan is also a country that was built from immigrants coming in and is still today getting immigrants although we don't get a lot of immigrants not like Canada that has hundreds of thousands of immigrants Japan still is a country that allows immigration and a lot of people may be interested in doing such with that being said you know 井上エイドさん on a former American citizen now a Japanese citizen he built this website “turning Japanese . info” is a wonderful website I love it and I wanted to share it with you guys today.

On this website you're going to find lots of information on to how to become Japanese.

It is so well laid out this information is extremely useful because

it's all in English and it will help people understand go check it out it's a wonderful resource they even have a community page on Google+ that you can join if you're interested in immigrating and you're interested in sharing your stories is really good to share your stories about immigrating because it helps other people who are interested with that being said there is unfortunately a lot of people who also are very racist on the inside and say stuff like well yeah you can become

Japanese on paper but if you don't got that Japanese blood in you then you are never good at the Japanese again this is racism the Japanese Constitution doesn't say anything about race

Yes. Most Japanese people are Asian but that doesn't mean that everyone is  and that doesn't mean that you should spread your racist views by saying such thing luckily a lot of Japanese people don't actually care about race

Yes. You will stand out if you are visibly different such as a white person or a black person and yes unfortunately there will be some people who will assume you're a foreigner.

I have black Japanese friends and white Japanese friends and they have had the same experiences that I often have as a white foreigner coming from another country unfortunately there  will be racist people out there. But don't think that. Because one person is races that it's a ok and everyone is no and definitely don't let yourself get down by hearing. All these people spreading more racism telling you you won't be accepted,don't listen to these people because they are racist themselves they're trying to progress hate you for I don't even know what reason what kind of person would do that just tell someone you will never be accepted

I’m Hitler like that's what these people sound like but in all honesty from my experiences

I'm actually surprised at how many people except me.

I'm not even in Japanese citizen but I am a foreign resident here and a lot of

people except me not everyone I come in contact with assumes that I’m not Japanese

and not everyone I come in contact with treats me like I'm stupid or treats me bad or doesn't accept me as a matter of fact all my Japanese friends except me

I don't associate with racist people and I don't associate with people who are going to treat me different because of the color of my skin or because of the country I was born I have met plenty of Japanese people who have come in contact with Japanese people of other races and they have absolutely no problem with it

They can't understand racism don't let people put fear into your mind saying that Japan is that racist country and you're never going to be accepted if you're not Asian, you're not Japanese because this information is not perfect

So yeah thank you for watching this video I hope this gave you some information please share the links below in the description and this video with people who are interested in perhaps living in Japan or perhaps immigrating to Japan or you know there's going to be a lot of people who need this information and this could really benefit someone I welcome in the comments people to share their experiences if you have emigrated to Japan or not or if you're planning on it or if you're planning on immigrating to any country share your stories and stuff below but I do let you know that racism is strictly for hitted if you post-race his comments you will be blocked and deleted right away so don't even bother.

Ok and thanks for watching bye.